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Cell Phones in Puerto Rico

If you are planning on using your cell phone while on vacation here in Puerto Rico, then the following may be of use to you.

Here in Puerto Rico the main cell phone providers are Cingular, Sprint and Verizon Wireless. You may want to check with your cell phone provider to make sure that your current plan covers you for making and receiving calls in Puerto Rico. If your plan does not, you will probably find that you are roaming and in a worse case scenario international roaming (which is less likely). If your current cell phone plan does not include Puerto Rico and your cell phone provider has plans that do cover Puerto Rico, one option will be to switch to that plan for the period you are here in Puerto Rico (I believe most providers will do this).

The cell phone providers that do have plans that include Puerto Rico are:
AT&T – National Plan
Sprint – Nation Plan
Verizon Wireless – Americas Choice
Suncom – America Plan
T Mobile has coverage here in Puerto Rico.

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